It truly is best not to believe everything you hear or in this case read. Businesses often hire other companies to manage their online reputation by ensuring that only good reviews are posted on online sources. These companies for hire either hire individuals to write fake reviews from home or they will have staff members write fake reviews from various sources so that the computer IP addresses are never the same. The differing IP address are an important component to achieving successful fake online reputation status because they make the reviews appear to be from actual customers and the online company (such as google, yelp, yahoo) can't tell they are fake. Here is a good example, do a google search for Rathbun Realty & Investments and check out the yellowpages.com that gives them an overall review of 4 stars out of 5 - be sure to pay the most attention to the reviews that were posted in May, June of 2012 that are pretty much raving about how wonderful the services are. Now, after readying that would you be surprised to hear that the Arizona Department of Real Estate issued a cease & desist to stop all operations in March 2013???? Seems strange that in August 2012 the reviews were glowing yet just six months later they can't even participate in any real estate activities!