The Right Property Management Choice Often times people who contact me regarding management services are very confused about the pricing structures and advertising that is available through management companies for their rentals so I will use this post to explain the different options that are available. If you want your rental home rented quickly to qualified tenants than your choice should also be the company who offers the most advertising mediums and not the company with the lowest tenant placement fee because after all you do get what you pay for! If when shopping management companies, your prospective company does not charge any upfront costs for tenant placement but instead takes all fees from the first month rent than mostly likely their only advertising medium will be the Multiple Lisiting Services ("MLS"). MLS can be a great avenue for very high end rentals in which a great number of tenants will higher a Realtor to represent them on the leasing process. However, if you rental is more along the lines of a "typical" three or four bedroom property than you will be losing out on all of the tenants who search and find rentals on their own. Even more confusing are then the options to reach the tenants who search on their own such options include free rental sites such as craigs list and paid rental sites. If the management company you are interviewing does have an upfront marketing cost, most likely they will utilize paid rental sites as some of your upfront cost will go to those costs. Keep in mind that normally the paid advertising sites rank higher in Search Engine Optimization meaning there is a nood chance that your rental will be on a higher link during searches. Additionally, these sites tend to draw more qualified applicants who are more diligent with their searches as opposed to applicants who only search on craigslist (the home of the most rental property scams in the US). Additionally, these management companies may also post to free sites meaning that your rental will have the greatest exposure. But what if these companies don't utilize any of the first months' rent for tenant placement??? That means they don't offer MLS so now you are missing out on the Realtor market. But what if they use up the first months' rent and some for tenant placement??? Now you may be paying them upfront for advertising AND paying them a leasing commission once the tenant is placed which really is double dipping. Your ultimate choice for phoenix property managmement services is a company such as Real Property Management (RPM) West Valley in which you have all the choices - including online paid advertising, free online advertising such as craigs list AND MLS listing in which there is no additional fee or commission paid to RPM West Valley if a tenant is placed through an MLS Realtor. Although it may seem expensive in the long run if all of the advertising mediums help to place a tenant thirty days faster than without you will be ahead in the long run. Call today about services. 623-748-7800 x105 |

By Lisa Borchard Friday, June 7, 2013